Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Roger Reddit, What's Your Vector Victor?

After my blueprints update of last week I have had a LOT of requests for vector versions.

I am happy to do this, I only ask that my blog be credited wherever you use them. I'm also giving them all to http://edassets.org so they'll be available to the wider Elite:Dangerous community.


I expect to see lots of illustrated user-guides and a bunch of wacky T-Shirts at Frontier Expo.

  Craft SVG PNG
Scarab SRV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
F63 Condor Federal Fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
GU-97 Imperial fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Taipan Independent Fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Sidewinder SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Eagle Mk II SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Hauler SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Adder SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Dolphin SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Eagle SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Viper MK III SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk III SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Viper Mk IV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Scout SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk IV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 6 Transporter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Explorer SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Courier SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Keelback SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Asp Scout SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Vulture SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Asp Explorer SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Dropship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 7 Transporter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Assault Ship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Clipper SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Gunship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Orca SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Fer De Lance SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Python SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 9 Heavy SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Beluga Liner SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Anaconda SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Corvette SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Cutter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Majestic Class Interdictor SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Farragut Battle Cruiser SVG Vector PNG Bitmap

Full set of Elite:Dangerous ship blueprints

I started this in October and maybe I bit of more than I could chew, but the work has been worth the effort. I have spent countless lunch-hours and many an evening working on these, updating them and getting them translated. I hope you enjoy them.

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of www.elitedangerous.de for German translations.

Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of www.elite-dangerous.fr for French translations.

Thanks to CMDR Nyra, with the help of CMDR Kimanuel and CMDR XPi2, from Corsarios de Heimdal for Spanish translations.

Craft Manufacturer 1920x1080 4096x2305
Scarab SRV Vodel
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya
Taipan Independent Fighter Lakon Spaceways
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics
Hauler Zorgon Peterson
Adder Zorgon Peterson
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya
Viper MK III Faulcon DeLacy
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy
Diamondback Scout Lakon Spaceways
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy
Type 6 Transporter Lakon Spaceways
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Spaceways
Imperial Courier Gutamaya
Keelback Lakon Spaceways
Asp Scout Lakon Spaceways
Vulture Core Dynamics
Asp Explorer Lakon Spaceways
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics
Type 7 Transporter Lakon Spaceways
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics
Orca Saud Kruger
Fer De Lance Zorgon Peterson
Python Faulcon DeLacy
Type 9 Heavy Lakon Spaceways
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics

Federal Corvette blueprint

This is the blueprint for the Core Dynamics Federal Corvette. The superheavy fighter and armed to the teeth, it's the ship you don't want to find on your tail. Also available in black.

This ship requires the Federal Navy rank of Rear Admiral for a player to purchase it in the game.

First introduced in version 1.5 Ships expansion.

Anaconda blueprint

This is the blueprint for the Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda. Excellent trader, handy in a fight and if the loadout is right, the longest range exploration ship you can own.

First introduced in version 0.1 Alpha 4.

Type 9 Heavy blueprint

This is the bluprint for the Lakon Spaceways Type-9 Heavy. The only ship with a manoeuvrability rating of zero, the super-size freighter and foremost mining ship, the Type-9 is the cow of space.

First introduced in version 0.1 Alpha 4.

Python blueprint

This is the blueprint for the Faulcon DeLacy Python. My personal favourite. Tough, flexible and capable. The perfect ship, can go anywhere, good jump range, loads of cargo space and handles ships way above it's weight class.

First introduced in version 0.1 Beta 3.