Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Using my blueprints for your own purposes

I am writing this for a number of reasons but first and foremost because someone was offering to sell a t-shirt with my design on.


I have always been very clear any that anything made using my designs were for personal use only

What can you do with them?

As long as you credit my blog and don’t modify my designs, you can use them as wallpapers, print posters, mug mouse mats, get a tattoo; it doesn’t matter as long as you are not doing it for money. No commercial use. Ever. 

Why not?

Because it’s all my hard work (of years) and I don’t get a penny, nor do I want to charge for them. I certainly don’t want someone else simply selling my work on for profit or  promotion. These are for the Elite Dangerous community.

I have in the past looked to produce posters at cost for attendees at LaveCon, or enable charities like Special Effect be able to sell my designs as merchandise to raise money as exceptions to this rule.

But this cannot happen without Frontier’s agreement as the Intellectual Property (IP) is solely theirs.

I spoke to Frontier about this last June, Sally Morgan-Moore (then Elite: Dangerous Product Manager) replied:

As for printing and selling…I’d have to do a check on that I’m afraid. This wouldn’t be til next week though. There’s so much red tape when money and sales become involved, and it’s frustrating how I can’t be more straight forward about it. Let me try and dig for you. Giving one away though for the raffle is perfectly awesome though as it’s linked to charity.

And in July I chased her just prior to LaveCon and good as gold, she came back to me very quickly:

I’m so sorry but I haven’t had David B in, or many of the legal team so I really am struggling to get anyone to prioritise this.

There you have it, as spoken direct from Frontier Towers – no selling of items connected to their IP. Understandably having other people sell their IP without any gain is not a priority for them. They are after all, a business and doing legal paperwork out of their own pocket is probably a big ask.

I’m not being a grumpy old Scrooge, refusing to share – I give my blueprints away for free to make content for my blog in the absence of game content to report upon - I’ve even done illustration work for EDRPG again, for free

If they give me some kind of green light to produce my blueprints as posters or mugs etc. at cost, believe me, you’d be the first to know!

But trust me when I say it would be me selling the merchandise through Frontier, or direct from this blog at cost. Don’t ever buy my designs from ANYONE; they do not have the right (legal or otherwise) to sell my work.

I’ll happily give you a bitmap, as you can see in my email above, you can get printed on a t-shirt for yourself for personal use only.

ECM 2020 Blueprints - update

This morning's post contained a nice little bundle. I had "put a rush" on five designs specifically; The Anaconda, Asp Explorer, Imperial Cutter, Federal Corvette & Python. These are, according to Inara's galaxy statistics the most popular main ships among players. I took the five designs with a slightly different set of proportions so they would print as a mouse mat. Here's what turned up. 

The mats all have that "new rubber" smell! They have a satin finish and look really nice. Those people attending Elite Community Meet 2020 in April will be able to enter the raffle and win themselves one of these beauties. So if you can't make it, see if you can beg, bribe or otherwise coerce someone who is going to buy some raffle tickets for you. All proceeds go to charity (Special Effect).

There are 59 vehicles in my blueprint collection and I've got to redraw all of them, so I'm trying for 3 per day if possible (although house-hunting has impacted my time a fair bit).

UPDATE: 12/03/2020 - I have now only 19 vehicle blueprints left to re-draw. WIP below.


Current Project for ECM 2020

After my fundraiser I did a number of custom blueprints for my supporters, but I have now undertaken another project.

This one will take me into March to complete as I have to do some considerable drawing work on all my existing blueprints. This involves drawing outlines for each of the five views. 5 x 59 = 295 outlines to draw. Each takes around 6-7 minutes - a lot of work, but worth it.

The original blueprints are all hand-drawn vectors which are transparent wire frames (very 1984). They can be any colour and overlaid on any background.

What I am now doing is drawing an outline for each that is not part of the original vector object.

Once I have the outline, I can alter its thickness or change it to a solid fill. In this case I make two copies, one solid with a partial transparent fill and the second hollow with a thick border to emphasise the edges.

Once I have this I can get creative. The end result looks something like this.

The plan is to have a full set of my blueprints in this style, printed as a colour bound booklet in the Elite Community Event charity raffle. We did similar in 2018. Back then there were 50 booklets printed, so I suspect we'll do the same this year. There are however 59 vehicles, compared to the 47 back in 2018. 

If you can't make ECM due to other commitments, geography or because the tickets sold out, try and bribe someone who is going to grab you a few raffle tickets!



"Keep the ship charts coming" fundraiser


My fundraiser started on Thursday and ended in success on Sunday.

I cannot express how thankful and blow away I am by the generosity of the Elite: Dangerous community. Over £500 in three days! Things happened fast. The donations rose quickly from a tenner to £100 to £280 then suddenly, over £500. Meantime I got an email from Corel with a 20% off voucher for the weekend! Providence? 

So with the funds raised already enough, I ended the fundraiser and put in my order in.

I have sent all my supporters a download link from my SynologyDrive (NAS storage) with a Readme.txt. 

A special and huge thank you to the following people. Please message me via the comments or Facebook to arrange your custom blueprints.

Dan Grubb, David Campbell, Psykokow P Madkow, Shaun Pond, John Virgo, Spencer Cook, Peter Wotherspoon, Jason Lessard, Leroy Squire, Ann Sheffield,Richard Clark, Dave Irfan, Jim Bee donated, Trev Moss, Phil Ellis, Richard Hudson, Jerry Pringle, Andy Hollings, Simon Knowles Winnard, David Pearson, Jakob Andreassohn-Schmidt, Ben Draper, Mike Snoswell & Steve Giller.

Hail Hydra!

I have made some updates to the ship codex site today. I have added the new class 1 optional module slots to all ships (x2 for small, x1 for the rest). Also added is the Thargoid Hydra Interceptor. All the known stats are in place and I have added the ship blueprint for download in all four languages in HD and 4k. See it on the codex here.

The Hydra is the largest Thargoid vessel encountered to date.

Elite Dangerous Ship Blueprints January 2019

Elite Dangerous Ship & Vehicle Blueprints "3305 Edition"

The drawing of new ships, collation and double-checking of all data, finding all the previous translation texts, getting new translations and then putting the whole jigsaw together has swallowed January whole. For those who don't follow me on Twitter, just exporting the blueprints as bitmaps took nearly three hours - in one language. But it was worth it. This is the most complete and comprehensive collection to date with four language versions to boot.

The annotation now includes numbering on the hard-points and on utility slots. This is NOT the numbers that sometimes appear on the ships hull, but the number order from ships outfitting from top to bottom. First slot in outfitting is number 1, last is number 4 (or whatever) I hope that makes sense. See the examples below.

Alliance Crusader Cobra Mk III Beluga Liner Krait Phantom

Special thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Uxío Piñeiro and CMDR Kai Pelzel who did such amazing work getting translations for me in such a short time. o7 CMDRs!

Suggestions and corrections should be submitted written in pencil on a ten pound note. :D

Corrections: I've moved the cargo hatch on the Anaconda, fixed the Cyclops description, added the missing Fer-De-lance hard-point and correctly located the Beluga's SLF bay.
Additions: XG8 Javelin Guardian Fighter. 6 Feb 2019 - Thargoid Medusa

Here they are! Enjoy.

Ship Blueprints

Craft Manufacturer 1920x1080 4096x2305
Stinger-2 Achilles Corp Stinger-2 Stinger-2
Coriolis Station Brewer Corp Coriolis Station Coriolis Station
Nav Beacon Brewer Corp Nav Beacon Nav Beacon
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics Eagle Mk II Eagle Mk II
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics F63 Condor Federal Fighter F63 Condor Federal Fighter
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics Farragut Battle Cruiser Farragut Battle Cruiser
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship Federal Assault Ship
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics Federal Corvette Federal Corvette
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics Federal Dropship Federal Dropship
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics Federal Gunship Federal Gunship
S4 Sentry Skimmer Core Dynamics S4 Sentry Skimmer S4 Sentry Skimmer
S5LM Guardian Core Dynamics S5LM Guardian S5LM Guardian
S9 Goliath skimmer Core Dynamics S9 Goliath skimmer S9 Goliath skimmer
Vulture Core Dynamics Vulture Vulture
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda Anaconda
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk III Cobra Mk III
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk IV Cobra Mk IV
Krait Mk II Faulcon DeLacy Krait Mk II Krait Mk II
Krait Phantom Faulcon DeLacy Krait Phantom Krait Phantom
Python Faulcon DeLacy Python Python
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder Sidewinder
Taipan Independent Fighter Faulcon DeLacy Taipan Independent Fighter Taipan Independent Fighter
Viper Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk III Viper Mk III
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk IV Viper Mk IV
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial fighter GU-97 Imperial fighter
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya Imperial Clipper Imperial Clipper
Imperial Courier Gutamaya Imperial Courier Imperial Courier
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya Imperial Cutter Imperial Cutter
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya Imperial Eagle Imperial Eagle
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya Majestic Class Interdictor Majestic Class Interdictor
Alliance Challenger Lakon Alliance Challenger Alliance Challenger
Alliance Chieftain Lakon Alliance Chieftain Alliance Chieftain
Alliance Crusader Lakon Alliance Crusader Alliance Crusader
Asp Explorer Lakon Asp Explorer Asp Explorer
Asp Scout Lakon Asp Scout Asp Scout
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Diamondback Explorer Diamondback Explorer
Diamondback Scout Lakon Diamondback Scout Diamondback Scout
Keelback Lakon Keelback Keelback
Type-10 Defender Lakon Type-10 Defender Type-10 Defender
Type-6 Transporter Lakon Type-6 Transporter Type-6 Transporter
Type-7 Transporter Lakon Type-7 Transporter Type-7 Transporter
Type-9 Heavy Lakon Type-9 Heavy Type-9 Heavy
XG7 Trident Ram Tah XG7 Trident XG7 Trident
XG8 Javelin Ram Tah XG8 Javelin XG8 Javelin
XG9 Lance Ram Tah XG9 Lance XG9 Lance
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger Beluga Liner Beluga Liner
Dolphin Saud Kruger Dolphin Dolphin
Orca Saud Kruger Orca Orca
Thargoid Basilisk Thargoids Thargoid Basilisk Thargoid Basilisk
Thargoid Cyclops Thargoids Thargoid Cyclops Thargoid Cyclops
Thargoid Hydra Thargoids Thargoid Hydra Thargoid Hydra
Thargoid Marauder Thargoids Thargoid Marauder Thargoid Marauder
Thargoid Medusa Thargoids Thargoid Medusa Thargoid Medusa
Thargoid Scavenger Thargoids Thargoid Scavenger Thargoid Scavenger
Thargoid Sensor Thargoids Thargoid Sensor Thargoid Sensor
Scarab SRV Vodel Scarab SRV Scarab SRV
Adder Zorgon Peterson Adder Adder
Fer-de-Lance Zorgon Peterson Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-Lance
Hauler Zorgon Peterson Hauler Hauler
Mamba Zorgon Peterson Mamba Mamba

Schéma de Vaisseau

Vaisseau Fabricant 1920x1080 4096x2305
Stinger-2 Achilles Corp Stinger-2 Stinger-2
Coriolis Station Brewer Corp Coriolis Station Coriolis Station
Nav Beacon Brewer Corp Nav Beacon Nav Beacon
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics Eagle Mk II Eagle Mk II
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics F63 Condor Federal Fighter F63 Condor Federal Fighter
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics Farragut Battle Cruiser Farragut Battle Cruiser
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship Federal Assault Ship
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics Federal Corvette Federal Corvette
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics Federal Dropship Federal Dropship
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics Federal Gunship Federal Gunship
S4 Sentry Skimmer Core Dynamics S4 Sentry Skimmer S4 Sentry Skimmer
S5LM Guardian Core Dynamics S5LM Guardian S5LM Guardian
S9 Goliath skimmer Core Dynamics S9 Goliath skimmer S9 Goliath skimmer
Vulture Core Dynamics Vulture Vulture
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda Anaconda
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk III Cobra Mk III
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk IV Cobra Mk IV
Krait Mk II Faulcon DeLacy Krait Mk II Krait Mk II
Krait Phantom Faulcon DeLacy Krait Phantom Krait Phantom
Python Faulcon DeLacy Python Python
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder Sidewinder
Taipan Independent Fighter Faulcon DeLacy Taipan Independent Fighter Taipan Independent Fighter
Viper Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk III Viper Mk III
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk IV Viper Mk IV
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial fighter GU-97 Imperial fighter
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya Imperial Clipper Imperial Clipper
Imperial Courier Gutamaya Imperial Courier Imperial Courier
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya Imperial Cutter Imperial Cutter
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya Imperial Eagle Imperial Eagle
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya Majestic Class Interdictor Majestic Class Interdictor
Alliance Challenger Lakon Alliance Challenger Alliance Challenger
Alliance Chieftain Lakon Alliance Chieftain Alliance Chieftain
Alliance Crusader Lakon Alliance Crusader Alliance Crusader
Asp Explorer Lakon Asp Explorer Asp Explorer
Asp Scout Lakon Asp Scout Asp Scout
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Diamondback Explorer Diamondback Explorer
Diamondback Scout Lakon Diamondback Scout Diamondback Scout
Keelback Lakon Keelback Keelback
Type-10 Defender Lakon Type-10 Defender Type-10 Defender
Type-6 Transporter Lakon Type-6 Transporter Type-6 Transporter
Type-7 Transporter Lakon Type-7 Transporter Type-7 Transporter
Type-9 Heavy Lakon Type-9 Heavy Type-9 Heavy
XG7 Trident Ram Tah XG7 Trident XG7 Trident
XG8 Javelin Ram Tah XG8 Javelin XG8 Javelin
XG9 Lance Ram Tah XG9 Lance XG9 Lance
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger Beluga Liner Beluga Liner
Dolphin Saud Kruger Dolphin Dolphin
Orca Saud Kruger Orca Orca
Thargoid Basilisk Thargoids Thargoid Basilisk Thargoid Basilisk
Thargoid Cyclops Thargoids Thargoid Cyclops Thargoid Cyclops
Thargoid Hydra Thargoids Thargoid Hydra Thargoid Hydra
Thargoid Marauder Thargoids Thargoid Marauder Thargoid Marauder
Thargoid Medusa Thargoids Thargoid Medusa Thargoid Medusa
Thargoid Scavenger Thargoids Thargoid Scavenger Thargoid Scavenger
Thargoid Sensor Thargoids Thargoid Sensor Thargoid Sensor
Scarab SRV Vodel Scarab SRV Scarab SRV
Adder Zorgon Peterson Adder Adder
Fer-de-Lance Zorgon Peterson Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-Lance
Hauler Zorgon Peterson Hauler Hauler
Mamba Zorgon Peterson Mamba Mamba


Fahrzeug Hersteller 1920x1080 4096x2305
Stinger-2 Achilles Corp Stinger-2 Stinger-2
Coriolis Station Brewer Corp Coriolis Station Coriolis Station
Nav Beacon Brewer Corp Nav Beacon Nav Beacon
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics Eagle Mk II Eagle Mk II
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics F63 Condor Federal Fighter F63 Condor Federal Fighter
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics Farragut Battle Cruiser Farragut Battle Cruiser
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship Federal Assault Ship
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics Federal Corvette Federal Corvette
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics Federal Dropship Federal Dropship
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics Federal Gunship Federal Gunship
S4 Sentry Skimmer Core Dynamics S4 Sentry Skimmer S4 Sentry Skimmer
S5LM Guardian Core Dynamics S5LM Guardian S5LM Guardian
S9 Goliath skimmer Core Dynamics S9 Goliath skimmer S9 Goliath skimmer
Vulture Core Dynamics Vulture Vulture
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda Anaconda
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk III Cobra Mk III
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk IV Cobra Mk IV
Krait Mk II Faulcon DeLacy Krait Mk II Krait Mk II
Krait Phantom Faulcon DeLacy Krait Phantom Krait Phantom
Python Faulcon DeLacy Python Python
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder Sidewinder
Taipan Independent Fighter Faulcon DeLacy Taipan Independent Fighter Taipan Independent Fighter
Viper Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk III Viper Mk III
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk IV Viper Mk IV
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial fighter GU-97 Imperial fighter
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya Imperial Clipper Imperial Clipper
Imperial Courier Gutamaya Imperial Courier Imperial Courier
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya Imperial Cutter Imperial Cutter
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya Imperial Eagle Imperial Eagle
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya Majestic Class Interdictor Majestic Class Interdictor
Alliance Challenger Lakon Alliance Challenger Alliance Challenger
Alliance Chieftain Lakon Alliance Chieftain Alliance Chieftain
Alliance Crusader Lakon Alliance Crusader Alliance Crusader
Asp Explorer Lakon Asp Explorer Asp Explorer
Asp Scout Lakon Asp Scout Asp Scout
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Diamondback Explorer Diamondback Explorer
Diamondback Scout Lakon Diamondback Scout Diamondback Scout
Keelback Lakon Keelback Keelback
Type-10 Defender Lakon Type-10 Defender Type-10 Defender
Type-6 Transporter Lakon Type-6 Transporter Type-6 Transporter
Type-7 Transporter Lakon Type-7 Transporter Type-7 Transporter
Type-9 Heavy Lakon Type-9 Heavy Type-9 Heavy
XG7 Trident Ram Tah XG7 Trident XG7 Trident
XG8 Javelin Ram Tah XG8 Javelin XG8 Javelin
XG9 Lance Ram Tah XG9 Lance XG9 Lance
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger Beluga Liner Beluga Liner
Dolphin Saud Kruger Dolphin Dolphin
Orca Saud Kruger Orca Orca
Thargoid Basilisk Thargoids Thargoid Basilisk Thargoid Basilisk
Thargoid Cyclops Thargoids Thargoid Cyclops Thargoid Cyclops
Thargoid Hydra Thargoids Thargoid Hydra Thargoid Hydra
Thargoid Marauder Thargoids Thargoid Marauder Thargoid Marauder
Thargoid Medusa Thargoids Thargoid Medusa Thargoid Medusa
Thargoid Scavenger Thargoids Thargoid Scavenger Thargoid Scavenger
Thargoid Sensor Thargoids Thargoid Sensor Thargoid Sensor
Scarab SRV Vodel Scarab SRV Scarab SRV
Adder Zorgon Peterson Adder Adder
Fer-de-Lance Zorgon Peterson Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-Lance
Hauler Zorgon Peterson Hauler Hauler
Mamba Zorgon Peterson Mamba Mamba

Planos de Naves

Vehículo Fabricante 1920x1080 4096x2305
Stinger-2 Achilles Corp Stinger-2 Stinger-2
Coriolis Station Brewer Corp Coriolis Station Coriolis Station
Nav Beacon Brewer Corp Nav Beacon Nav Beacon
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics Eagle Mk II Eagle Mk II
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics F63 Condor Federal Fighter F63 Condor Federal Fighter
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics Farragut Battle Cruiser Farragut Battle Cruiser
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics Federal Assault Ship Federal Assault Ship
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics Federal Corvette Federal Corvette
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics Federal Dropship Federal Dropship
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics Federal Gunship Federal Gunship
S4 Sentry Skimmer Core Dynamics S4 Sentry Skimmer S4 Sentry Skimmer
S5LM Guardian Core Dynamics S5LM Guardian S5LM Guardian
S9 Goliath skimmer Core Dynamics S9 Goliath skimmer S9 Goliath skimmer
Vulture Core Dynamics Vulture Vulture
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy Anaconda Anaconda
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk III Cobra Mk III
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Cobra Mk IV Cobra Mk IV
Krait Mk II Faulcon DeLacy Krait Mk II Krait Mk II
Krait Phantom Faulcon DeLacy Krait Phantom Krait Phantom
Python Faulcon DeLacy Python Python
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy Sidewinder Sidewinder
Taipan Independent Fighter Faulcon DeLacy Taipan Independent Fighter Taipan Independent Fighter
Viper Mk III Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk III Viper Mk III
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy Viper Mk IV Viper Mk IV
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya GU-97 Imperial fighter GU-97 Imperial fighter
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya Imperial Clipper Imperial Clipper
Imperial Courier Gutamaya Imperial Courier Imperial Courier
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya Imperial Cutter Imperial Cutter
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya Imperial Eagle Imperial Eagle
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya Majestic Class Interdictor Majestic Class Interdictor
Alliance Challenger Lakon Alliance Challenger Alliance Challenger
Alliance Chieftain Lakon Alliance Chieftain Alliance Chieftain
Alliance Crusader Lakon Alliance Crusader Alliance Crusader
Asp Explorer Lakon Asp Explorer Asp Explorer
Asp Scout Lakon Asp Scout Asp Scout
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Diamondback Explorer Diamondback Explorer
Diamondback Scout Lakon Diamondback Scout Diamondback Scout
Keelback Lakon Keelback Keelback
Type-10 Defender Lakon Type-10 Defender Type-10 Defender
Type-6 Transporter Lakon Type-6 Transporter Type-6 Transporter
Type-7 Transporter Lakon Type-7 Transporter Type-7 Transporter
Type-9 Heavy Lakon Type-9 Heavy Type-9 Heavy
XG7 Trident Ram Tah XG7 Trident XG7 Trident
XG8 Javelin Ram Tah XG8 Javelin XG8 Javelin
XG9 Lance Ram Tah XG9 Lance XG9 Lance
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger Beluga Liner Beluga Liner
Dolphin Saud Kruger Dolphin Dolphin
Orca Saud Kruger Orca Orca
Thargoid Basilisk Thargoids Thargoid Basilisk Thargoid Basilisk
Thargoid Cyclops Thargoids Thargoid Cyclops Thargoid Cyclops
Thargoid Hydra Thargoids Thargoid Hydra Thargoid Hydra
Thargoid Marauder Thargoids Thargoid Marauder Thargoid Marauder
Thargoid Medusa Thargoids Thargoid Medusa Thargoid Medusa
Thargoid Scavenger Thargoids Thargoid Scavenger Thargoid Scavenger
Thargoid Sensor Thargoids Thargoid Sensor Thargoid Sensor
Scarab SRV Vodel Scarab SRV Scarab SRV
Adder Zorgon Peterson Adder Adder
Fer-de-Lance Zorgon Peterson Fer-de-Lance Fer-de-Lance
Hauler Zorgon Peterson Hauler Hauler
Mamba Zorgon Peterson Mamba Mamba

Blueprint refresh incoming

One of the things about Elite: Dangerous is that it is constantly changing. And while that's great for players, for me, it presents a problem.

All the statistics and layouts of the ships keep changing. Creating definitive sets of blueprints & datasheets etc. is a constantly-moving target. With restrictions on my time (this blog is a hobby) mean I don't have the game time to rack up enough credits to buy the ships I need to draw and document (Alliance Crusader at the moment). Harder still, is getting ship launched fighters that require considerable game-time to unlock. These things make getting the statistics pretty difficult in the first place. But I am getting there!

I have in the past had various text files, spreadsheets etc. which contain data collected from many sources; much of it dating back to 2016. In pursuit of the information to complete (as much as possible) my Vehicle Codex, I am performing a complete refresh of all this data. Checking old data and obtaining new. You can see the "missing" or "unconfirmed" values on the partial screenshot below.

When I have collated and collected all the data, I intend to re-publish the full set of blueprints with the latest statistics. This will bring them up to date and match the datasheets created for the Vehicle Codex.

As you can see from the draft sample below, I will be including all hard-points and utility slots numbered in the top down order in outfitting.

I have also put in a request to Frontier to ask for definitive ship dimensions. I currently use a system of sizing that has proven to be accurate and if not "right" then it is at least consistent. Being able to say "I have it from Frontier" would help dismiss the "you got it wrong" posts.

Update: I asked Frontier for dimensions and they declined. Will Flanagan replied to my request; Hello Anthony, unfortunately we're not able to provide you with ship sizes.

XG9 Lance from screenshot to Blueprint

I haven't had the time in game to unlock more than one of the Guardian ship launched fighters. Last night CMDR Ranualf assisted me, as he HAS unlocked all of them, in getting the screenshots and statistical data I needed to complete the blueprint.

Using the screenshots, I got the ship schematic drawn and incorporated it into the new blueprint template.