Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Logo a go-go

For the various brochures, charts and illustrations I've drawn in the last two years there are a number of Elite: Dangerous corporate logos I've needed to draw. Following a request for logo vectors on Twitter, I'd thought I would publish those I've done already.

Company Logo Vector
 Achilles Robotics    

achilles-robotics.svg (12.80 kb)

 Brewer Corporation    

brewer.svg (3.06 kb)


caine-massey.svg (3.77 kb)

 Core Dynamics    

core-dynamics.svg (13.63 kb)

 Faulcon Delacy    

faulcon-delacy.svg (7.02 kb)


gutamaya.svg (196.85 kb)


lakon.svg (33.20 kb)


remlock.svg (6.39 kb)

Saud Kruger

saud-kruger.svg (59.78 kb)


vodel.svg (3.72 kb)

Zorgon Peterson

zorgon-peterson.svg (9.76 kb)


Scarab SRV blueprint

This is the blueprint for the Vodel Scarab, a Surface Reconnaissance Vehicle (or SRV for short). Deployable from any ship equipped with a Planetary Vehicle Bay, the Scarab allows commanders to drive around the surface of planets and moons.

First introduced in version 2.0 Horizons.