Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Hail Hydra!

I have made some updates to the ship codex site today. I have added the new class 1 optional module slots to all ships (x2 for small, x1 for the rest). Also added is the Thargoid Hydra Interceptor. All the known stats are in place and I have added the ship blueprint for download in all four languages in HD and 4k. See it on the codex here.

The Hydra is the largest Thargoid vessel encountered to date.

Weekend codex patch

Over this weekend I fixed some missing ship views pointed out on the Frontier forums - the Type-9 and Mamba were "bottom"-less.

People seemed a bit confused by the ships being sorted by manufacturer, then ship name - so I've added a sorting menu, so the user can re-order the vehicles in a variety of ways.

I've modified the menu a bit, to accommodate the sort button and I've moved the language selection to button dropdown.

Under the hood, I've changed all the numeric stats from strings to numbers, as they were causing odd behaviours when trying to sort with them. This is now done. If you want additional sort orders, as usual all requests written in pencil on a ten pound note.

I've also changed the release version dates so that JavaScript can understand them. This was so I could use date locales instead of trying a more clumsy month-name translation. The date is suffixed with the vehicle age in years.


Codex updates for Friday

Today I've added in some additional Spanish translations to the codex, a sub-set of "trivia" elements for any ships that require it (mainly NPCs) and added a ship "slug" to the page URL. This means you can bookmark you favourite ship.

Someone on Facebook asked "why not just use Coriolis.io"? And I agree that Coriolis and others are excellent, but the Codex isn't meant to be a ship outfitting app, it's intended as an interactive illustrated datasheet with statistics, but also scaled size comparisons and a window into all the data that exists about each ship. Not just outfitting.

I've added a few new data fields including the release version and date of each ship/vehicle. That took a fair bit of research re-reading all the patch notes to ensure the dates I had were correct (many weren't). I'll probably add a birthday cake for ship birthdays later :).