Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Codex update

This week I have resumed work on the Vehicle Codex, doing a large number of the datasheets. I have modified my original format and unlike my blueprints, these are all to the same scale (1:2,450).

Yes; I know some don't have completed Codex pages yet (Saud Kruger). If you spot any incorrect stats, please let me know. Here are the ones I've done so far. More to come over the weekend and next week.

Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet

Elite Dangerous Ship Blueprints 3.0 Update

Update January 2019 - all these blueprints have been superseded by the new "3305 Editions" here which include hard-point and utility slot locations.  

With the addition of the Dolphin, I have republished the full set with a few additions. There are size corrections on the Viper Mk III and I've added ZIP copies of all the JPEG version of each language. Additionally, the remaining translations have been applied, so this is the most complete set to date.

Thanks to CMDR Noxa on reddit for finding out who manufactures the Corilios station.

Thanks also to all the others on Twitter, Reddit and the Frontier forums who have been spotting errors and mistakes and letting me know. It's been very helpful to have so many people proofreading this lot! As you can imagine, while most of this work has been done in my lunch hour, there have been a few nights where I burnt the midnight oil and almost certainly copied numbers from the wrong spreadsheet column!

Thanks to CMDR Aidan Abacus & the CMDRs of www.elitedangerous.de for German translations. Thanks to CMDR Nicou, CMDR Aymerix & CMDR Duita Rider of www.elite-dangerous.fr for French translations. Thanks to CMDR Nyra, with the help of CMDR Kimanuel and CMDR XPi2, from Corsarios de Heimdal for Spanish translations.

  Craft Manufacturer 1920x1080 4096x2305
Stinger-2 Attack Skimmer Achilles Corporation
S4 Sentry Skimmer Core Dynamics
S9 Goliath Skimmer Core Dynamics
Scarab SRV Vodel
F63 Condor Federal Fighter Core Dynamics
GU-97 Imperial fighter Gutamaya
Taipan Independent Fighter Lakon Spaceways
Sidewinder Faulcon DeLacy
Eagle Mk II Core Dynamics
Hauler Zorgon Peterson
Adder Zorgon Peterson
Dolphin Saud Kruger
Imperial Eagle Gutamaya
Viper MK III Faulcon DeLacy
Cobra Mk III Faulcon DeLacy
Viper Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy
Diamondback Scout Lakon Spaceways
Cobra Mk IV Faulcon DeLacy
Type 6 Transporter Lakon Spaceways
Diamondback Explorer Lakon Spaceways
Imperial Courier Gutamaya
Keelback Lakon Spaceways
Asp Scout Lakon Spaceways
Vulture Core Dynamics
Asp Explorer Lakon Spaceways
Federal Dropship Core Dynamics
Type 7 Transporter Lakon Spaceways
Alliance Chieftain Lakon Spaceways
Federal Assault Ship Core Dynamics
Imperial Clipper Gutamaya
Federal Gunship Core Dynamics
Orca Saud Kruger
Fer De Lance Zorgon Peterson
Python Faulcon DeLacy
Type 9 Heavy Lakon Spaceways
Beluga Liner Saud Kruger
Type-10 Defender Lakon Spaceways
Anaconda Faulcon DeLacy
Federal Corvette Core Dynamics
Imperial Cutter Gutamaya
Majestic Class Interdictor Gutamaya
Farragut Battle Cruiser Core Dynamics
Coriolis Station Brewer Corp
Thargoid Sensor Thargoids
Thargoid Marauder Thargoids
Thargoid Cyclops Thargoids


Revised Coriolis Blueprint

I've made adjustments to scale since initial measurements were not accurate enough and I have also added the inner cylinder.

The two versions are now linked on the original BluePrint post here: http://www.elite-dangerous-blog.co.uk/post/Elite-Dangerous-Ship-Blueprints-23-Update

Following a request from CMDR Andrew Indelicate from Facebook's Mobius PvE page, I've stuck a Beluga Liner in the access corridor - CMDR Vincent Chu demonstrated that the Beluga's folding tail makes little or no difference to the overall height when the landing gear comes down.

My original assertion that the station was over 3km across was incorrect and the figure is a little over 2km, which makes it more or less as wide as the Farragut (which I have also recently redrawn). The pads in the cylinder are red for large, orange for medium and cyan for small. The diameter of the cylinder should be very accurate, but the length is an approximation based on the depth of the access corridor.

Vehicle icons

After publishing vectors of the ships and vehicles from Elite: Dangerous that I had compiled while drawing my ship blueprints over the last year or so, I had a lot of interest from other members of the community who wanted to use them in their own projects.

As long as my blog gets a mention (somewhere) and nobody tries to take credit for the work I've done, I'm very happy for anyone to do this and actively encourage such creativity. 

With this in mind, a CMDR had emailed me asking for vectors - this time of the isometric projections which were not included in the vectors I published previously. So, to address this I've created 256px x 256px icons for every vehicle in the game in PNG and SVG (vecor) formats. These are available to download in a single ZIP file here.

ed-vehicle-icons-png.zip (1.28 mb)

ed-vehicle-icons-svg.zip (5.74 mb)

And they look like this..

Adder Anaconda Asp Explorer Asp Scout

Beluga Liner Cobra Mk.3 Cobra Mk.4 Diamondback Explorer

Diamondback Scout Dolphin Eagle F63 Condor

Federal Assault Ship Federal capital ship Farragut class battlecruiser Federal Corvette Federal Dropship

Federal Gunship Fer De Lance GU97 Imperial Fighter Hauler

Imperial capital ship Majestic class interdictor Imperial Clipper Imperial Courier Imperial Cutter

Imperial Eagle Keelback Orca Python

Scarab SRV Sidewinder Coriolis Station Taipan Independant Fighter

Thargoid Interceptor Thargoid Scout Thargoid Sensor Type-6 Transporter

Type-7 Transporter Type-9 Heavy Viper Mk.3 Viper Mk.4


Thargoid Schematics

I have updated the set of Thargoid data obtained (can't say how) from the Federal Navy.

Thargoid Sensor

Previously the Unknown Artefact.

Thargoid Scout

The scout ship seen only at a crash site so far.

Thargoid Interceptor

The Cyclops variant Thargoid ship.

Comparative scale

To see the Thargoid vessels compared with the human vessels. (4K+ image)

Roger Reddit, What's Your Vector Victor?

After my blueprints update of last week I have had a LOT of requests for vector versions.

I am happy to do this, I only ask that my blog be credited wherever you use them. I'm also giving them all to http://edassets.org so they'll be available to the wider Elite:Dangerous community.


I expect to see lots of illustrated user-guides and a bunch of wacky T-Shirts at Frontier Expo.

  Craft SVG PNG
Scarab SRV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
F63 Condor Federal Fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
GU-97 Imperial fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Taipan Independent Fighter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Sidewinder SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Eagle Mk II SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Hauler SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Adder SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Dolphin SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Eagle SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Viper MK III SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk III SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Viper Mk IV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Scout SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Cobra Mk IV SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 6 Transporter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Diamondback Explorer SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Courier SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Keelback SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Asp Scout SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Vulture SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Asp Explorer SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Dropship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 7 Transporter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Assault Ship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Clipper SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Gunship SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Orca SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Fer De Lance SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Python SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Type 9 Heavy SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Beluga Liner SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Anaconda SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Federal Corvette SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Imperial Cutter SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Majestic Class Interdictor SVG Vector PNG Bitmap
Farragut Battle Cruiser SVG Vector PNG Bitmap