Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Wear and tear not so painful in 1.2

elite-repairsLast night I took my Anaconda for a spin in a high-density combat area. Yes, I know. Very foolish and likely to end in an insurance claim or at best a whopping repair bill.

But no.

After some serious exchanges of gunfire and a lot of bounty collected I was doing really well. Having a highly rated and well armed Anaconda helps, obviously.

Then a stray shot (or maybe two) caused by status to switch to hostile on both factions! Suddenly everybody wants a piece of me, including the capital ship. Shields are down and alarms are ringing and it is lost past run-like-hell O’Clock.

As any Anaconda flyer will tell you, nothing else except another ‘Conda can mass lock you, so I jumped into super-cruise in seconds. Then limped back to station for repairs, having had 7% knocked off my hull. Normally this “minor” damage would set me back at least five figures, possibly six. Certainly any damage to an Anaconda is looking to cost 100,000s of credits.


So I was very pleased to find the revised damage bill for 1.2 was not dissimilar to that of my Cobra in the same situation. Excellent Smithers!

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