Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Elite 1.2 Gives You Wings

wings_logoThe new Wings update (1.2) was released yesterday and apart from a raft of bug fixes, a load of new features including new internal upgrades and two new ships, what has Frontier ever done for us?

  • You can make a wing with anyone in the same system as you, or with friends anywhere in the galaxy.
  • You can join or leave a wing at any time.
  • You can communicate using voice chat or text chat with Wing-mates.
  • You can see Wing-mates shields, hull, interdiction status and targets.
  • Wing-mates show on the galaxy map.
  • If activated in the functions panel, your ship's beacon will emit a "Wing Signal" for Wing-mates to find in super-cruise on their contacts TAB.
  • You can "nav lock" to Wing-mates so you all enter and exit super-cruise (even if interdicted) together and jump to hyperspace together. The group is limited to the jump range of the smallest ship.
  • When nav-locked, if you are out of range of your Wing-mates jump location, your ship will jump when you come into range of their FSD wake.
  • If in combat, all bounty and combat bonds are shared equally with those Wing-mates who caused damage to a target.
  • If exploring as a wing, all wing members can sell their collective data. Newly discovered systems will be tagged with all the members of the wing.
  • If a single wing member is on a "kill 5 pirates" mission, if that player scores a hit on a pirate that a wing member kills, the kill will still count towards the mission objective.
  • You cannot commit crimes against wingmen, and no authorities will intervene as long as your actions do not affect other ships or structures.
  • When a wingman makes a profitable trade, all other wingmen will receive a trade dividend claim, a small, profit-based credit payment awarded by star ports.

See Frontier's tutorial video here.

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