Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

Elite: Dangerous Ship Size Comparison for 2.2 Guardians

With the addition of the Beluga Liner and the new Taipan fighter, I have created a revised version with the new ships added.

1080p version

For those of you with big screens, the 1080p version (above) and a 4K version are on an Imgur.com gallery here.

By request of CMDR Cullingworth on the Elite: Dangerous Facebook group, here is a PDF version. Be warned - it's a big file!

elite-ships-11.pdf (35.61 mb)

UPDATE: I had the Hauler and Adder's function transposed. This is now fixed. Well spotted CMDR Orpheus.

Comments (2) -


    9/26/2016 4:47:57 AM |

    Not released new ship -。-

    • CMDR Arithon

      9/26/2016 9:43:12 AM |

      The Guardians 2.2 release is in BETA currently, so many commanders have been able to fly the two new ships (Beluga Liner & Taipan fighter) as well as the F63 Condor and GU-97 Imperial Fighter in the main game (outside of CQC) for the first time.
      The BETA is expected to run for another two weeks, after which the full release should follow mid-October.

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