Elite: Dangerous Blog

News and events from the Elite Dangerous galaxy

For the mugs

No, not that mug. These mugs.

Since I posted these on Twitter, I guess I should post them here.

Different photo merchandise sites use different dimensions. The Krait template was used with a site called www.vistaprint.co.uk The other two (Cobra & Vulture) were created for www.snapfish.co.uk  / www.truprint.co.uk

So check the size ratio and use the right layout or your design will get truncated in a bad way. Download the bitmaps, upload the one you want to whatever local printing service there is and presto! Blueprint mug.

Comments (1) -

  • Flo' Panda

    2/19/2019 10:01:50 AM |

    there is a german site XXLPoster that makes 80*45 posters that fit perfectly with really high quality gloss kind photo paper. i bet there are some others, but i tried to use vista for the posters, and gave up.

    point noted for the mug, though Smile

    again, impressive and great job. 2 kids here say "thank you very much"

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